Neil Young

Richard Brekne
Sat, 26 Apr 2003 08:44:03 +0200

Farrell wrote:

> I'm surprised he is traveling with a big grand. Good to hear actually (pun intended). For years he would do shows with an old totally beat up upright. Don't know exactly what it was, but the thing had no front and looked like he dragged it out of a dumpster. I wondered at the time about doing his tuning - wouldn't be surprised if he requested some kind of not-so-well temperament tuning!
> Terry Farrell

Yeah... the big band he's traveling with call themselves... you got it... Crazy Horse !  He still does the old upright thing. That was on stage too but they didnt want it tuned. Kind of a honky tonk sounding / playing thing... gets tuned every 5 - 6  gigs. No front and fits your description nicely :) They also had what looked to be an old wooden pipe organ, or perhaps just a real ornate
looking reed organ. Couldnt see it real well whilst I was on stage and hadnt the time to check it out, and I had to go before it was used so I didnt get to hear the thing.

I understand from that provebial little bird that whispers in our ears from time to time, that you especially would have just loved the concert Terry :)



Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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