Bechstein refinishing

James Perkins
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 14:53:35 +0800

Gidday Gentlemen

I'm restoring a 1904 Bechstein B but have had contradictory advice 
regarding the case finish- which is black.

Some say it might have been french- polished using necrocine (?) and 
that it would be best to lacquer it. The finish is slightly crazed in 
places but not bad overall. The veneer is several mms thick so I want 
to take the finish back just so far as to bring it back to a high gloss 

I would value your collective experience as this is my first 'big one'!

James Perkins
42 Marlee Road
WA 6210

08 9581 6354
Mobile 0401674447

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