Lyle Hiorns, the newest RPT in the world!

baoli liu
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 08:18:32 -0700 (PDT)

Lyle Hiorns, a graduate of North Bennet Street School,
passed his technical test yesterday evening, and then
became a new RPT.

Lyle is a second generation technician from Wausa, WI,
he got orientation training on piano technology from
his father, Richard Hiorns, RPT in 1999.One year
later, he went to Boston to pursue his career. From
2001,he has been a shop technician at Farley’s House
of Pianos in Madison WI, at the same time he spent
some weekends and evenings to tune pianos for the
University of Wisconsin at Madison.

Lyle is a very talent person, as well as hard working
guy, no wonder he passed the serial tests with
extremely high scores in such a short time.

His talent and hard working deserve a big applause!

Baoli Liu, RPT
Madison WI Chapter 

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