OT -- Way, WAY Off Topic!

Delwin D. Fandrich pianobuilders@olynet.com
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 09:46:35 -0700

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A belated farwell...

...to Pioneer 10, the little spacecraft that could. Originally sent out =
to the Asteroid belt and then on to Jupiter. It was the first spacecraft =
to travel through the Asteroid belt and the first to make direct =
obversations and close-up photographs of Jupiter.

Pioneer 10 was launched on March 2, 1972--the year I finally joined =
PTG--and was last heard from on January 23. Efforts to raise her on =
February 7th failed and there will be no more attempts made; she now =
sails on in peace. At some 7.6 billion miles from Earth, she is now the =
most distant object ever made by man and, on her present course, will =
reach the vacinity of the red star Aldebaran in some 2 million years. =
Have a good trip, little one.


Delwin D Fandrich
Piano Designer & Builder
Hoquiam, Washington 98550 USA

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