Key Leads and Inertia

Richard Brekne
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 23:51:24 +0200

Ok... but seriously folks..

There seems to be no end to the magnificent details we can find 12th degree
integrals for... but there remains some pretty down to earth facts that would be
nice to have a bit more clear relative to all this inertia question.

A couple points of confusion (at least for me)

- There is seemingly a conflict between a desire to have as little lead as
possible as opposed to a desire to place any lead as close to the center pin as

- This << lead lag >>  (Johns illustration) that has been made so much of....
just when does this become a real significant concern ? It seems to some degree
unavoidable to begin with, and how much is definatly too much, and how little is
definantly too little ?

- Thirdly.... aside from a basic rule of thumbs as to what the general dynamics
affect of key lead amounts and placement, how does this detract from the
equation based static balance approach to action balancing ?. Static balancing
is easy, and can yeild various sorts of eveness in as much as FW can be
accomplished in several ways. If we simply know some general consequences for
various configurations of key leading... those can be made to conform to just
about any given FW specification easily enough... or what ?

yes ??? no ??



Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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