keyframe bedding

Bob Hull
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 16:34:51 -0700 (PDT)

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Dear List,I'm working on a Steinway M regulation and on bedding the keyframe. (Not the same one I had a question on about a month ago.) I thought I had accomplished this already- but the knocking on the bass end has returned during the process of the other regulation steps.  I'm wondering if when I regulated the balance rail studs it came back. I used the sliding paper method and felt good about the results.  So, as I found this knocking I returned to the keybedding and I did some more sanding on the bottom of the front rail but no progress seems to be coming about - the bass end still knocks when you tap on it.  Both ends of the frame knock when tapped, but the treble stops when you put the cheek block on, but the bass end still knocks.  I measured the thickness of the front rail on both ends and the middle.  Bass end is .836; middle of front rail is .881 and treble end is .850 or .860.  I know the keybed is crowned up in the middle and the keyframe is reverse crowned.   Here's my question:What would you think of painting a layer of epoxy on the bottom of the bass end of the rail to thicken it rather than sanding/thinning the whole rest of the rail until that knocking went away? (The knocking begins about 1 octave from the bass end.)Also, with this crowned/reverse crown between keyframe and keybed should the testing of the bedding be always done with cheek blocks screwed in?One other question to drown you with - do you reflect the crowned keybed in the key leveling?  I have heard yes and no on this.Thanks.Bob Hull 

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