J. Becker Grand no glide bolts

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@cox.net
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 21:31:17 -0500

>  Frankly, I have never heard of retrofitting glide bolts into a key frame 
> that never had them.  I don't see them in the Schaff catalogue.

I've done it once, on a Bradbury grand that used to have a hammer rail lift 
and lost motion compensators on the wippens. Put in a shift lever and the 
whole bit. It wasn't so bad, even with the keyframe modifications, 
customizing of the shift lever and, cheek block trimming. Lots more 
interesting than installing dampers.

>My feeling is to drive the nail into the coffin.  What say you?
>Bill Maxim, RPT

CA, lots and lots of CA.

Ron N

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