keyframe bedding

Classic Touch Ent
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 23:17:17 -0400

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So that's how you crown a business card!   (sorry couldn't resist)

Best, Rich
On Tuesday, April 29, 2003, at 09:45 PM, Kevin E. Ramsey wrote:

> David, and all, your method is quite a bit like mine. Rather than buy=20=

> a Jaras tool, you can do the same thing without it.
> =A0=A0=A0 What you're looking for is the fact that when the balance =
> contacts the keybed the keys will begin to raise. I take a business=20
> card and cut it so that it's just a little taller than the=20
> keybed-keytop distance. When you put it under the keytops, it will=20
> form a slight curve. Then, I put the balance rail bedding tool on the=20=

> glide and, as you describe, push down on it. If it's not bedded you=20
> can see the card flex quite dramatically. Then you can turn the glide=20=

> bolt in, and as soon as the glide bolt contacts, the card will start=20=

> to straighten out. Work from the center out, when you're done, you can=20=

> do the "lift and tap" final check.
> =A0=A0=A0 This get's you real close, real fast.
> =A0
> =A0=A0=A0 Hey, a card's a lot cheaper than any other tool I know.
> Kevin.

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