Today's Puzzler--hint

Bill Maxim
Wed, 30 Apr 2003 06:26:04 -0400

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No, but you're getting close.  Hint:  with the wippen out and flexing =
the jack by means of the heel, there was a distinct "click" as it =
contacted the stop felt as though the stop felt had glue on it; but the =
stop felt was fine; same on hitting the rest felt

Bill Maxim           =20
             Hard punching on the jack regulating button ,or loose spoon =
contacting the aforementioned button?=20

              Also on a smaller Chickering I had a loose screw mounting =
the damper action. This was a machine screw with a washer and was more =
of a metallic sound than what you describe and vibrated on only one =
note. Took me hours to find!

              Tom Driscoll

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