Today's Puzzler--hint

Dave Foster
Wed, 30 Apr 2003 17:02:35 -0400

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Maybe the bottom portion of the wippen spring going into the jack was too
long and causing it to catch on the wood inside the jack.

David Foster
Auburn Hills, MI

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Bill Maxim
  To: Pianotech
  Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 6:26 AM
  Subject: Re: Today's Puzzler--hint


  No, but you're getting close.  Hint:  with the wippen out and flexing the
jack by means of the heel, there was a distinct "click" as it contacted the
stop felt as though the stop felt had glue on it; but the stop felt was
fine; same on hitting the rest felt

  Bill Maxim
               Hard punching on the jack regulating button ,or loose spoon
contacting the aforementioned button?

                Also on a smaller Chickering I had a loose screw mounting
the damper action. This was a machine screw with a washer and was more of a
metallic sound than what you describe and vibrated on only one note. Took me
hours to find!

                Tom Driscoll

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