Petrof Sticking Keys
Wed, 30 Apr 2003 21:47:08 EDT

In a message dated 4/29/03 8:58:15 AM, writes:

>I have been called out to service many sticking "keys," as the customer
>and found that in probably 50% of the occurrences, it was not the key at
>but negative lost-motion(hammer butts sitting on jacks)

At the Petrof dealer where I work, we do a full regulation of every new piano 
out of the box.  So, I've never found that to be a problem.  It's always been 
a key easing problem, in spite of taking care at the store to ease any tight 
key bushings.  We even polish the key pins and use teflon spray to lubricate 
them.  And still, I find the sticking keys to be tight bushings that need 

Tom Sivak

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