performer compensation for time differential
Wed, 30 Apr 2003 20:30:55 EDT

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At 10:55 AM -0700 4/30/03, Delwin D. Fandrich wrote:
>A variable time lag depending on the level of play and on pitch? What causes
>the variations?

Mainly the volume (cubic space: length and bore of the tube) of the 
air column  being activated. Air is far more compressible than steel, 
and thus takes longer to give itself to a standing wave. Think high-C 
on a trumpet vs. the bottom note on a Wagnerian tuba.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

As a former back-row player (bass trombone), might I suggest that players are 
also conditioned to anticipate justsoslightly because of the difference in 
distance between the trombone section and, say, the concertmaster, principal 
cello, flute and oboe--from the perspective of the conductor.  We got tired 
of always "playing behind the beat," and instead played just slightly 
ahead.......problem solved.

Stan Ryberg
Barrington IL
Associate Member

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