"PennySaver" ads

pianolover 88 pianolover88@hotmail.com
Wed, 30 Apr 2003 19:19:48 -0700

Has anyone had any success with running ads in the "pennysaver", or other 
similar mailers? I'm wondering if i put in a simple text ad to run for 8 
weeks, in 7 different zones, (that I would consider to have the most piano 
"density"), if it would be profitable. First, I know that these ads, to 
really be at all  successful, need to run regularly, but I'm assuming eight 
weeks should give me at least a fair idea of the ads effectivness. Based on 
the cost of the ad, if i book just 1 tuning per week from the ad, I will 
double my investment...but then again, because these mailers generally 
attrac "bargain hunters", I may have to lower my price, or risk losing the 
job as my normal fee is not considered to be in the "low end". I plan on 
placing a Yellow page ad for the next Verizon Super pages Book, but that 
will not be coming out until 10/03, so I thought I'd give this a try. Any 
thoughts or experiences with this type of mailer? thanks!

Terry Peterson

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