"PennySaver" ads

tune4u@earthlink.net tune4u@earthlink.net
Wed, 30 Apr 2003 22:15:46 -0500

Are you sure about that YP ad? Those suckers are expensive and don't do much
better than just a listing, maybe bold, INMHO. If you have a lot of
competition, maybe it's different, but then you better have a very sharp ad,
not the usual "free" paste-up Verizon will give you. I know someone who does
outstanding ads, if you want to email me privately (tune4u@earthlink.net).
Also, if there is something that sets you apart--a unique qualification or
service--that might win the ad game.

I'll bet most people will back up what I say here, though, that word of
mouth is the real business builder--slow but steady and generally yields
more loyal , less "mistrusting" customers, long term.

Visibility helps. Volunteer and get to events, pass out cards like crazy: I
used to ask everyone, Wal-Mart checkers, etc., "Do you have a piano in your
home?" "Do you know someone who does?" "How about your church?" "Would you
pass this to that person, I'd consider it a favor?" Hand them a colorful
business card (print my own on computer).

Just some thoughts.

Alan Barnard
Salem, MO

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