Today's Puzzler--answer
Thu, 1 May 2003 09:17:22 EDT

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In a message dated 5/1/2003 2:36:51 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Then when (with the wippen out) I would move the jack through its range of
> motion, there was this "click" as the jack tip hit the stop felt, and again
> as the jack returned to rest.  I have no idea why it would rattle in one
> situation and click in the other.

The reason it rattled when played is because the jack came to an abrupt stop 
before hitting the stop felt (which it's not supposed to hit during 
escapement anyway) and the loose part kept moving freely.  The same idea of 
loose parts making noise when the larger part they're attached to changes in 
motion lead my auto mechanic to the four bolts holding the underside of my 
van's engine in place.  One bolt had to be turned two full turns before 
becoming tight!  Made a klunk every time I started from a stop or went over a 

So the prize is a beer in Reunion Tower at Dallas, right?


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