OT -- Way, WAY Off Topic!

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@martin.luther.edu
Thu, 01 May 2003 13:56:36 -0500

At 10:18 5/1/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>Yeah. But why do we send nuclear-powered, exploratory
>spacecraft out there, to drift endlessly once their
>fuel is "depleted"..... but with a nice map and other
>artifacts pointing back to humans and planet earth,
>just so that some aliens ( who might not be really
>happy about our radioactive space junk! ) know where
>to come find us!

Hmm. Wondering here...

Just how much and what type of radioactive material started out from 
earth?  I'm thinking that, given the concept of "half-life", the time 
(thousands & thousands of years from now) that "junk" gets anywhere close 
to a planetary system, it's radioactivity will be about that of the dial on 
an old radium wristwatch.

>      That's arrogant. And really, really stupid!

...and your suggestions, prior to it's launch, for a long lasting power 
source and an identifying inscription were... ???

Methinks thou art Monday morning quarterbacking - decades later.

>Perhaps, some day, solving the myriad problems we
>have right here on earth will be "sexy" enough to
>attract our finest minds!
>     Gordon Lee Stelter

Perhaps. Which are you tackling next?

Conrad Hoffsommer PTG RPT, MPT, CCT
Decorah, IA

Certified Calibration Technician (CCT) for Bio-powered Digitally Activated 
Lever Action Tone Generation Systems

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