even balance weight or something

Phillip Ford fordpiano@earthlink.net
Thu, 1 May 2003 14:32:33 -0700 (GMT)

>       I believe (okay I hope, better make that PRAY) we could arrive at
> standard or a 'standard range' BUT EVEN FAILING THAT perhaps a 
> 'certification' of balance weight/front weight ratio or whatever system 
> is used to label/quantify the 'feel' pianists want or claim they want.
>        I believe that venues that have their  own instruments, or
> instrument rental businesses have conflicting economic interest in what 
> they deliver to the performer/audience & what their fee scales will be 
> based upon (lower fees don't always/not even usually produce better 
> value). Once again what is the perception of true value? With a 
> certification system for concert instrument providers, standards have
> potential to increase competition to provide better musically 
> product to the performer, and ultimately better performances for the 
> audience. COWABUNGA DUDE !!
>Best, Rich Olmsted

This is an interesting idea.  Sort of like a Good Housekeeping Seal of 
Approval.  You could have a Good Action Setup Seal of Approval given by 
certified techs to pianos having actions conforming to the 
standard.  Pianists could request that they be provided with a piano
a Good Action Setup Seal of Approval for their concerts.

Phil F

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