even balance weight or something

Classic Touch Ent classictouchent@comcast.net
Thu, 01 May 2003 18:59:24 -0400

Hi Phil,

What I also meant and didn't articulate clearly enough was that the 
certifications could have differing certified values ranging from what 
I will
very imprecisely describe ' light' to 'heavy'. Maybe there would be 
five? gradations. Each gradation would be assigned its own set of 
balance values. The range/corresponding values might be determined by a 
compendium of concert pianists and techs and designers to quantify the 
abstracts of piano action' feel'. Each pianist would overtime identify 
the value settings closest to their preferences.
However this seems like a daunting task. (It does after all require 
'risk' and 'change') for the artists who prepare them and the artists 
who play them. Its good to have dreams.

Best, Rich
On Thursday, May 1, 2003, at 05:32 PM, Phillip Ford wrote:

>>       I believe (okay I hope, better make that PRAY) we could arrive 
>> at
> a
>> standard or a 'standard range' BUT EVEN FAILING THAT perhaps a
>> 'certification' of balance weight/front weight ratio or whatever 
>> system
>> is used to label/quantify the 'feel' pianists want or claim they want.
>>        I believe that venues that have their  own instruments, or
> concert
>> instrument rental businesses have conflicting economic interest in 
>> what
>> they deliver to the performer/audience & what their fee scales will be
>> based upon (lower fees don't always/not even usually produce better
>> value). Once again what is the perception of true value? With a
>> certification system for concert instrument providers, standards have
> the
>> potential to increase competition to provide better musically
> responsive
>> product to the performer, and ultimately better performances for the
>> audience. COWABUNGA DUDE !!
>> Best, Rich Olmsted
> This is an interesting idea.  Sort of like a Good Housekeeping Seal of
> Approval.  You could have a Good Action Setup Seal of Approval given by
> certified techs to pianos having actions conforming to the
> standard.  Pianists could request that they be provided with a piano
> having
> a Good Action Setup Seal of Approval for their concerts.
> Phil F
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