Key Leads and Inertia

Phillip Ford
Thu, 1 May 2003 15:39:29 -0700 (GMT)

>Balancing inertial properties across a keyboard is not much more
>to accomplish than static balancing using touchweights. You have two 
>independent parameters to adjust in the key instead of one...the only 
>practical limitation is that you cannot use pre-defined lead weights and 
>simply stick them in the key where the desired balance is obtained. You 
>have to be able to adjust both the mass of the lead and its location 
>Dr Stephen Birkett

I don't think the difficulty is in accomplishing the balancing.  The difficulty is in defining the parameters to which you're balancing.  We seem to have some parameters for static balancing.  We don't seem to have parameters for inertia.  What numbers do you use?  Is it constant from one end of the keyboard to the other?  Is it tapering linearly from bass to treble?

Phil F

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