"PennySaver" ads

Tvak@aol.com Tvak@aol.com
Thu, 1 May 2003 18:41:08 EDT

In a message dated 4/30/03 9:41:30 PM, gnewell@ameritech.net writes:

>Each referral you 
>send me is worth $5 (or whatever you think is appropriate for your 
>business) off of your next  service." I've found this to be simple, 
>straightforward, and easy! The penny pinchers out there try really hard
>get $5 off coupons and that's great 'cause their sending me new business
>but they only get to use the coupon on their NEXT service

I, too have tried this method.  I got the idea at the Reno convention from 
Robert Guenther's class on business.  I would recommend that class highly to 
anyone who plans to forfeit their 4th of July family plans and attend the 
convention this year.  I don't recall the name of the class, but if Bob 
Guenther is running it, you'll learn alot about increasing your business.  

Unfortunately, this specific idea didn't seem to work for me.  After about a 
year and a half of informing clients of my referral rebate coupons, only one 
person ever cashed one in.  So I just stopped mentioning it.   I even had 
cute coupons printed up, with a keyboard border and logo, and all.  It seemed 
like a good idea. (Still does...)  It just didn't work.

Got alot of other great tips from Mr. Guenther, though.

Tom Sivak

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