"PennySaver" ads

Greg Newell gnewell@ameritech.net
Thu, 01 May 2003 22:51:59 -0400

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         I'm surprised that this didn't work for you. When i get new=20
business I always ask how they heard of me. I think I pick up a lot from=20
this. The referral person probably wouldn't have been mentioned but since I=
ask I get a chance to send that person a thank you card that doubles as the=
$5 off coupon.  I probably get the vast majority using this method of=20
"advertising" alone.

Greg Newell

>I, too have tried this method.  I got the idea at the Reno convention from
>Robert Guenther's class on business.  I would recommend that class highly=
>anyone who plans to forfeit their 4th of July family plans and attend the
>convention this year.  I don't recall the name of the class, but if Bob
>Guenther is running it, you'll learn alot about increasing your business.
>Unfortunately, this specific idea didn't seem to work for me.  After about=
>year and a half of informing clients of my referral rebate coupons, only=
>person ever cashed one in.  So I just stopped mentioning it.   I even had
>cute coupons printed up, with a keyboard border and logo, and all.  It=
>like a good idea. (Still does...)  It just didn't work.
>Got alot of other great tips from Mr. Guenther, though.
>Tom Sivak
>pianotech list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives

Greg Newell
Greg's piano Fort=E9

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