Key Leads and Inertia

Richard Brekne
Fri, 02 May 2003 01:01:16 +0200

Hmmm how to make this point..

John Hartman wrote:

> Excuse me if am not understanding what you have written. You keep
> talking about momentum and I don't see much in the way of momentum
> taking place in the action. Things are accelerating and decelerating
> they are not just smoothy coasting along with constant speed....

If you have a key accelerated to a certain speed in the first mm of key
travel, it takes very little energy to keep it there... momentum... fine....
Seems to me that when the key is engaged in most cases that the greatest
portion of its end velocity is reached within the first mm or so of key
travel. From that point on to the point where the key bottoms out on front
cushion, most of the work is already done, and the inertia of the key helps to
keep it that way.... no ?? So you may loose in the first ms, but you win the
rest of the way through.... or what ?


Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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