"PennySaver" ads

tune4u@earthlink.net tune4u@earthlink.net
Thu, 1 May 2003 18:30:46 -0500

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Wim says: If the customer AND the friend got a $5 discount, then it might
work. But then, why not just lower your price across the board?

I think for the same reason car dealers, piano stores, and other
'big-ticket" retailers generally quote prices high and let the customer
"negotiate" a "deal." Makes people feel good and also less powerless in the
sales situation.Two stores: One advertises Cheerios at $3.25 the other has a
$3.75 shelf price and advertises 75 cents off or has a 75 cent coupon -- I
think more people will be attracted by the chance to pick up a "bargain."

Wal-Mart (and others) play this game: They display multiple unit prices like
"2 for $5.00" and, amazingly, most people pick up 2 items; whereas, if they
listed them at $2.50 each, people would more often only buy one item.

Also, by using discount programs, the store (or the tuner) is not locked in.
The program can be modified, dropped, or used arbitrarily in different
towns, etc. So maybe that's an argument for tuner-techs offering discounts
or coupons.

I also did the church coupon thing; drove all over creation putting very
nice packages of information in the hands of church musicians, secretaries,
and pastors. I think I got three clients that way, including one the other
day from my efforts of two years ago--they hadn't had the piano tuned since
1990. Urgh, it was awful. But of course they had a guest musician coming in,
so only because of that do they think to tune it (bring notes up that were
anywhere from 25 to 111 cents flat!) . I digress.

Haven't tried discounts for referrals. I do better with uncomplicated
systems as I am definitely paperwork-challenged.

Alan Barnard
Salem, MO

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