Worn Hammers

Phil Bondi tito@philbondi.com
Thu, 01 May 2003 22:51:59 -0400

Mary, this piano sounds like a candiate for a good old-fashion overhaul.

If you're replacing the hammers, please replace the shanks and flanges. Just
yesterday, I tuned for the first time an older Baldwin L that had just the
hammers replaced..nice job hanging the hammers, but the knuckles were worn
beyond bolstering.

To answer your question about worn hammers and touch..in my opinion, how the
instrument feels has alot to do with the perception of tone. You may replace
the block, wire, etc., and get a better tone just from doing that..but if
you do the hammers, shanks, and flanges with a good regulation job, the
touch AND the tone will be percieved as being much better.

All of this work costs some money, and if there's an issue of doing one or
the other, then you'll have to put on your thinking cap and decide which
bang for the buck this piano will need first. If you say the "students are
advanced and require a good touch and tone", then your money might be better
spent in the action rather than the wire.

That will be your call.

Good Luck,

-Phil Bondi (Fl.)

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