OT -- Way, WAY Off Topic!

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@cox.net
Thu, 01 May 2003 21:24:09 -0500

>C'mon Alan! You know perfectly well that anyone who
>has achieved Warp Drive ( as all the U.F.O's  I've
>ever seen apparently have! ) must have also quit the
>ghoulish, ghastly, barbaric and utterly primodial
>habit of eating corpses millenia ago1
>      ( At least I certainly hope so! If not, I'll send
>them 'round to your house!!! )
>      Thump

Don't bother, he's out. I got his last one until the next shipment. Need a 
hand? Can I offer you a leg up? You've gotta have heart, and two heads are 
better than one. Got two left feet? All thumbs? Four eyes, or all ears? No? 
No problem! I can help. No need to call - just turn around and look behind 
you... slowly, very slowly.

Just kidding - but I wonder. If the veggies could talk, wouldn't they tell 
us that they want to live too? They aren't allowed to die of old age before 
they're "harvested", you know.

Cereal killer.

Ron N

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