An interesting spinet
Fri, 2 May 2003 09:52:47 EDT

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In a message dated 5/1/03 3:56:13 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Quite different from the 1960s mouse-infested, mouse-poop-stuck keys, 
> original owner, "only tuned once when we first bought it", Aeolian spinet. 
> Most of the keyboard ranged from one to 2-1/2 notes flat. A0 was actually a 
> note sharp. This one set a new record for me for "Most Out-of-Tune Piano". 
> Some of the unisons were in the neighborhood of a half-step off from one 
> another. 1-1/2 pitch raise passes to A440 and then a tuning pass. It didn't 
> sound great when I was done, but it did sound a whole lot better.

These should be on everybody's list of worst pianos.  That mouse was making a 

Dave Stahl

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