Key Leads and Inertia - radius

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 02 May 2003 09:01:37 -0500

>Hmmmm...  Then I guess I'll reconsider.  I can think of a way to keep the
>key from walking on the balance rail pin, but it would be rather invasive --
>not worth it for a retrofit.  The idea would be stolen from a children's toy
>I'm at a loss to name or describe.  Ummmm....  One of those floppy,
>cascading thingamagigs...  You know... With the wood blocks and the cloth
>straps...  <hurumph...>  Anyway, I think I'll leave it alone.
>Thanks, Isaac.

That has occurred to me too - opposing tensioned straps. There's probably 
an official  and intimidating sounding name for it, but I don't know what 
it might be. This system is (was?) used in disc drives for head 
positioning. It works very well, is touchy to set up if you want close 
tolerance control, relatively expensive, and pretty effectively ties part A 
to part B, making key removal a pain in the center rail.

Nice try though.

Ron N

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