Key Leads and Inertia - radius

Sarah Fox
Fri, 2 May 2003 08:47:58 -0400

Hi Isaac,

> Just by looking at it I guess that if we have a radius that really
> move the fulcrum, the hole in the bottom of the key wear faster. I
> seem to notice that wear on some Steinway I've seen.

Hmmmm...  Then I guess I'll reconsider.  I can think of a way to keep the
key from walking on the balance rail pin, but it would be rather invasive --
not worth it for a retrofit.  The idea would be stolen from a children's toy
I'm at a loss to name or describe.  Ummmm....  One of those floppy,
cascading thingamagigs...  You know... With the wood blocks and the cloth
straps...  <hurumph...>  Anyway, I think I'll leave it alone.

Thanks, Isaac.


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