A weighty subject: real-world application?

Lwellerrpt@aol.com Lwellerrpt@aol.com
Sat, 3 May 2003 03:07:17 EDT

First thing I would do for your Harry Potter piano is to give it what the 
dealer most likely didn't do which is prep it properly.

Go through a check list of things like checking for burrs on capstans,  
lubricating the key pins and knuckles and capstans, easing keys, aligning 
parts, basic regulation and leveling strings/hammers.

I bet it plays way better from just doing those things.  Then if you want to 
play with geometry and weight, go for it.  My experience with Chinese pianos 
is that while inconsistency and design flaws are major factors, basic prep 
helps immensely.

The term "Choose your battles" comes to mind.


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