Moving to California

Elian Degen J.
Sat, 3 May 2003 03:24:01 -0400

Dear Friends and Colleagues

Tomorrow I shall be arriving to California to start on a trial Job beginning
on Monday. I will be working at SMC in City of Industry, for anyone familiar
with the area, I am trying to find a place to live, I ruled out apartments
for the moment as they ask for a 6 month period contract . And in Internet
all I could find where USD 100.00 per day hotels which is more than I can
afford. If anyone knows about a more convenient deal, a cheaper hotel or any
idea please contact me at my cellphone

My cell phone is 1(954)614-3453

Thank you very much

                Elian Degen J.

             DEGEN'S  PIANO  INC.
                       14359 Miramar Parkway # 254
                       Miramar, Fl 33027-1001 U.S.A.
                       Phone: 1(954)614-3453
                       Fax: 1(801)640-7621

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