One of Those Days - Kinda OT

Z! Reinhardt
Sat, 3 May 2003 16:44:25 -0400

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This was one of those days.  A pianist from California staying in town =
left a message on my answering machine last night wondering if I could =
do a tuning before a sheduled memorial service at a nearby church today. =
 The piano was described as "lacking depth of tone" ... and it was =
delivered fresh from East Lansing, about 75 miles away.

What I came to was a brand new 9' Bluthner, probably fresh from the box =
and given only a perfunctory tuning.  What emerged was something of =
unprecedented glory with only so little as a solid tuning and some =
rudimentary touch-up of the voicing and regulation.  I wish I had all =
day for that piano, to really bring out what I could of its tone.  (I =
also wish I could play something that could do justice to what this =
piano is capable of.)

The pianist came around to do some practicing before the service, and =
thanked me profusely for the work I had done.  She was obviously =
thoroughly enjoying it now.  She started playing something that could =
only be played on a 9' ... the effect of which was enough to send me =
flying out of the room for a good cry.  I listened from the hallway =
outside of the sanctuary and tried to further imagine the effect had the =
tone been opened up just a little more in the top third of the piano.  =
As for all those people attending the service today ... may they too =
experience the passion this piano is capable of delivering at the hands =
of that pianist.

At this time, I don't know if the piano is here to stay (wouldn't that =
be nice) or if it will be going back to East Lansing.  The pianist is =
here only for the weekend.  She wanted my business card in the worst way =
... I could only hope to cross paths with her again somewhere.  I'd love =
to just hang out with her outside the constraints of a schedule, just to =
learn more about what she, as an artist, looks for in a piano.  I'd also =
like to know how she can keep herself "pulled together" while playing =
the really passionate pieces, the ones that people like me fall apart =
upon hearing them.

Z! Reinhardt  RPT
Ann Arbor  MI

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