Key Leads and Inertia

Ron Nossaman
Mon, 05 May 2003 10:57:35 -0500

>Personally, I'm not convinced that S&S's accelerated action really does
>anything.  The shift in fulcrum would be miniscule, hardly enough to make
>any sort of measurable difference in either the action ratio or the key's
>moment of inertia.  There would *technically* be shifts in these values, of
>course.  Technically, the mechanical advantage over the capstan end would
>decrease as the key is depressed.

Realistically, the effective fulcrum point is going to shift more rocking a 
flat key across a well compressed flat punching than across a half round 
dowel. Maybe the benefit is that the fulcrum point *doesn't* move, and the 
key leverage *doesn't* change as much through the stroke.

Ron N

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