Seeking Wisdom ...
Mon, 5 May 2003 15:18:28 EDT

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In a message dated 5/5/03 1:43:38 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> Don't know anything about a Solomon, but I do know it takes all kinds! I got 
> a call from a lady this morning that wants to give away her 1928 Vose &Sons 
> 5' 8" grand piano. She says its apperance is good and all the keys work. 
> Her last tooner said that because the soundboard was cracked, the piano 
> could not be tuned! Yeah, right.
> Anybody want a piano?
> Terry Farrell

Don't be surprised that the tooner told her the pin block was cracked. But 
customers don't know from pin blocks. But they've heard that when a sound 
board is cracked the piano is worthless. So when the tooner said pin block, 
she assume it to be the soundboard. 

In either case, it might be worth it to you to take the piano for nothing, 
replace the pinblock, and sell it for a small profit. 


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