Seeking Wisdom ...

Ron Nossaman
Mon, 05 May 2003 15:13:13 -0500

>Don't know anything about a Solomon, but I do know it takes all kinds!

Don't know that it takes all kinds, but we gets 'em anyway.

>I got a call from a lady this morning that wants to give away her 1928 
>Vose & Sons 5' 8" grand piano. She says its apperance is good and all the 
>keys work. Her last tooner said that because the soundboard was cracked, 
>the piano could not be tuned! Yeah, right.
>Anybody want a piano?
>Terry Farrell

Or did he just say the piano wasn't tunable, and recited an extensive list 
of everything wrong with it, with the customer hearing two words she 
recognized from the litany (cracked soundboard), and condensing the 
information to that? This happens a whole lot.

If you happen to get a look at it, crawl under and look around. One I 
condemned last year had an interesting rib set. Eight ribs, fanned from 
about 80° to the belly, to about 45° in the treble, with the "usual" 45° 
panel grain. No bass cutoff. It would get really interesting in a much 
bigger piano.

Ron N

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