This Moutrie spinet seems ok, advice please

Jeannie Dalton
Mon, 5 May 2003 17:27:12 -0600

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My customer has an 84 note Moutrie spinet that seems like it's from the =
50s or 60s. Does anyone know where I might match serial-like numbers =
14811 (written in ink on the plate probably by a former tech) or (11107 =
stamped on the soundboard) ?

The pinblock has been doped, but its only 10c flat after not being tuned =
for many years, the pins could be tapped in. The action seems ok, just =
needs some regulating and tightening and gluing of jacks and most of the =
weird hammer spring strings replaced or reglued to the inset in the =
hammer flanges.=20

I read the archives about the Moutrie from China, but that one seemed =
like it WAS from before 1900 as  Pierce lists it. Any warnings out there =
about what I might be missing before I bid on this job?=20
Jeannie Dalton, Assoc=20
Boise ID=20

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