Insect Infestations
Mon, 5 May 2003 19:49:53 EDT

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I worked on a brand new Wurlitzer spinet in upstate New York purchased in the 
fall and left in an empty house while the proud new owner wintered with the 
rest of the snow birds in Florida. She called me within minutes of returning 
home. It seems that none of her keys would play. I had no idea how bad the 
situation could be until I actually saw the piano a couple days later: none 
of the keys would move at all. Her mice had had a great time that winter 
collecting tassels from her curtains and matching furniture covers and 
packing them very very tightly under the entire keyboard. I filled my shop 
vac to capacity that day!

As for their colour preference? Those tassles were a blue-ish grey.

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