piano competition/Mason&Hamlin vs Steinway

James Perkins jimperkins@mac.com
Tue, 6 May 2003 12:14:13 +0800

On Monday, May 5, 2003, at 09:07  PM, David M. Porritt wrote:

> Following up on this key size thing; I just measured and a typical
> Steinway white key is 148 mm from the lip to the fall board.  The
> Mason & Hamlin CC I mentioned in an earlier post is just 142 mm from
> the lip to the fallboard.  It's amazing that pianists can adapt to
> these things as well as they do.  Some -- not all -- notice these
> things but they seem to cope with them ok.

Judging by the posts there is some uniformity over keyboard length- my 
Bechstein B keyboard measures 48 inches and my Broadwood U/R 48.3 

But speaking as a pianist with fat fingers, it has always puzzled me 
why the gaps between the sharps vary so much and even on the same 
piano- e.g. the C#-D# gap is nearly always larger than the F#-G# gap 
which is usually larger than the G#-A# one. On some pianos I cannot 
play on the tails of the white keys (between the black keys) which is a 
great problem with some chord shapes.

One would have imagined these spaces to be uniform in the interests of 
pianists' finger accuracy.
Or is it aesthetics coming into play here?

James Perkins
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WA 6210

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