piano competition/Mason&Hamlin vs Steinway

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@cox.net
Mon, 05 May 2003 11:05:20 -0500

>Following up on this key size thing; I just measured and a typical
>Steinway white key is 148 mm from the lip to the fall board.  The
>Mason & Hamlin CC I mentioned in an earlier post is just 142 mm from
>the lip to the fallboard.  It's amazing that pianists can adapt to
>these things as well as they do.  Some -- not all -- notice these
>things but they seem to cope with them ok.

And the lyre placement, and pedal travel. I hear complaints about pedal 
spring strength and travel, but why doesn't anyone complain that the lyre 
is too close, or too far away when their hands are at a comfortable 
position? They're all over the place. I've wished for a very long time that 
the auto industry would include an adjustment for relative pedal/steering 
wheel position as standard equipment.

Ron N

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