Streinway "Accelerated action".
Tue, 6 May 2003 09:40:42 EDT

Bill wrote:
<< Horowitz's piano was so light-hammered and 
brassy that only he could make music with it. Given this set-up, 
these pianos (two in the basement and one chez lui, in his final 
years) were probably the only ones he could play. >>

Some additional info:  The let-off was as close to the strings as you could 
get and the dampers lifted just as the jack tails reached the let-off 
buttons.  It was a brittle sounding piano for this reason.  Springs were 
fairly light and the drop was set as close to the strings as possible without 
   When Steinway "restored" the "Horowitz piano",  they simply threw away all 
the  hammers and whippens and installed a new action.  When the piano went on 
tour, I again had ample time to pull the action and examine it,(at 
Vanderbilt).  It gave absolutely no indication of what it was like when 
Horowitz was using it!   

Ed Foote RPT

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