Streinway "Accelerated action".

Bill Ballard
Tue, 6 May 2003 22:38:25 -0400

At 9:40 AM -0400 5/6/03, wrote:
>When Steinway "restored" the "Horowitz piano",  they simply threw away all
>the  hammers and whippens and installed a new action.  When the piano went on
>tour, I again had ample time to pull the action and examine it,(at
>Vanderbilt).  It gave absolutely no indication of what it was like when
>Horowitz was using it!

A shameful bait and switch. Steinway's C&A must have told the 
marketing department that this was something never to let the public 
see, and they decided that they could make the piano resemble more a 
brand new one (for instance, rebuilt with a new action, new strings, 
and new finish), they could sell more. Only those who knew the 
historical Horowitz piano directly and those techs who had heard bits 
and pieces over the years, would know that this wasn't the piano 
required by Horowitz.

So it hit the circuit as the piano which helped make musical history.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

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     ...........Steve Forbes, quoting his father, Malcom

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