Baldwin Accujust Hitch Pins-waste end ringing, cacophony.

Ron Nossaman
Tue, 06 May 2003 13:45:16 -0500

>I tune an SF grand for a big church here. I suspect
>that the nasty, raspy, ringing, cacophonous, breathy
>death-rattles from the high treble are due to the
>undampened string  between the bridge rear and the
>Accujusts (TM).
>      I would like to weave some braid in there.
>      Questions:
>      1) Should I? (duh)

How else are you going to know if that's where your problem is? That is, 
unless you're planning on using one way, non-removable death grip braid and 
only get one chance to guess.

>      2)Why did anyone design a piano with ringing
>waste ends that bear no mathematical relation to the
>speaking length, beyond what was determined by a
>convenient place to drill a hitch pin hole in the
>      Thump

To discourage the use of one way non-removable death grip braid, and all 
the other reasons that have been periodically re-discussed on the list.

Ron N

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