Hammer weight?

David C. Stanwood stanwood@tiac.net
Tue, 06 May 2003 16:43:35 -0400

>I have a 6' Stienway grand to regulate that has too heavy hammers.  What
>gram weight should the key be set at so I know how much felt to shave
>off these hammers.  The action is very very heavy with these hammers.

Dear Bill,

Hammer Weight combined with action ratio determine the fundamental
mechanical playing quality.  Shaving weight of the hammers may not be the
best solution..  What is the gram weight of sample hammers?  What is the
action ratio?   Do you know how to measure these quantities?  The solution
may be something like changing from a 15.5mm to a 17mm knuckle core radius
along with hammer weight reduction.   You need more information..

Try this: 

Find a lighter hammer from higher up in the keyboard and place it lower
down in the scale.  Find a hammer that gives you a normal Steinway spec
Down Weight say on the order of 48 grams... make sure you up weight is not
below 20grams otherwise fix friction and repeat the experiment.  This will
give an idea about what weight will work... If it is really small and light
hammer then you have a ratio problem.

David Stanwood

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