Oops... Re: Unusual rib structure?

gordon stelter lclgcnp@yahoo.com
Tue, 6 May 2003 16:22:40 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Sarah,
     As you know, vibrations pass more rapidly along
wood grain, than across it. I believe that the intent
here was to allow the vibrations, passing into the
ribs from the bridge crossover point, to have another
means of surface distribution. One which helps them
overcome the "cross grain slow-down". And I suspect
that Mr.Wissner tried it for this reason, liked the
effect, and let it stay. 
      A lot of pianos were built by the nemesese of
you scientific types---EMPIRICISTS!!! (Gasp!)
     If these are not also glued down, why not just
unscrew them temporarily and tell us how it affects
the sound, in your opinion?

--- Sarah Fox <sarah@gendernet.org> wrote:
> Oops, I got the links wrong.  Here are the photos...
> www.wonderfulhome.info/soundboard1.jpg
> www.wonderfulhome.info/soundboard2.jpg
> www.wonderfulhome.info/soundboard3.jpg

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