Oops... Re: Unusual rib structure?

Sarah Fox sarah@gendernet.org
Wed, 7 May 2003 13:32:11 -0400

Hi Thump,

>      As you know, vibrations pass more rapidly along
> wood grain, than across it. I believe that the intent
> here was to allow the vibrations, passing into the
> ribs from the bridge crossover point, to have another
> means of surface distribution. One which helps them
> overcome the "cross grain slow-down". And I suspect
> that Mr.Wissner tried it for this reason, liked the
> effect, and let it stay.

Dunno...  These ties are at the ends of the ribs, not the middle.  I was
thinking they might be under light tension to help maintain the crown.

>       A lot of pianos were built by the nemesese of
> you scientific types---EMPIRICISTS!!! (Gasp!)

Grrrrrrrr....  ;-)

>      If these are not also glued down, why not just
> unscrew them temporarily and tell us how it affects
> the sound, in your opinion?

I highly suspect they're glued.  In any event, many of the screws are
inaccessible behind the framing.  I think they're better left alone.  (If'n
it ain't broke...)


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