Baldwin Accujust Hitch Pins-waste end ringing, cacophony.

Bill Ballard
Tue, 6 May 2003 22:00:17 -0400

At 9:45 PM +0200 5/6/03, Richard Brekne wrote:
>>gordon stelter wrote:
>Braid is easily removable with tweezers and a razor
>blade. Got another reason?
>      Thump
>Yes.... please fill us in on more detail about this death grip 
>stuff... sounds like it has real potential !

I get the stuff at Home Depot, right next to the Monster Stereo Cables.

At 6:38 PM -0500 5/6/03, Cy Shuster wrote:
>This is the mystery of both front and back duplexes, to me.  Whether or not
>they're perfectly tuned to the struck string, won't some other unmuted
>segment vibrate sympathetically at some time?  There should be enough energy
>going up and down the bridge to excite some nearby segment that happens to
>have a harmonic relationship, no?

It's a statistical matter.

Mr. Bill

"A jester unemployed is nobody's fool."
     ...........Danny Kaye, in "The Court Jester"

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