Baldwin Accujust Hitch Pins-waste end ringing, cacophony.

Bill Ballard
Tue, 6 May 2003 22:25:43 -0400

At 1:45 PM -0500 5/6/03, Ron Nossaman wrote:
>      I would like to weave some braid in there.
>      Questions:
>      1) Should I? (duh)
>How else are you going to know if that's where your problem is? That 
>is, unless you're planning on using one way, non-removable death 
>grip braid and only get one chance to guess.

Masking tape will do a good job of muting the strings, and during the 
time required for the experiment, will not gum of the strings.

At 8:29 PM -0500 5/6/03, Charles E. Faulk wrote:
>And, if you run with
>the preconceived notion that the rear duplex has to ring in tune with the
>speaking length, you're on the wrong track. Try the same trick on any
>Steinway and tell me if that's true.

Someone will probably say that when a resonant develops in the back 
section, it will last longer if it's located such that the other side 
of the bridge has a speaking length already at work on the same 
frequency. Maybe it's a better idea to distribute that mechanical 
energy evenly and randomly.

>Just change the word 'cacophony' to 'coloration' and you're closer.

It's like a soft cushion of pink noise, the 4K energy of the universe.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"May you work on interesting pianos."
     ...........Ancient Chinese Proverb

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