Baldwin Accujust Hitch Pins-waste end ringing, cacophony.

Ron Nossaman
Tue, 06 May 2003 21:19:05 -0500

>This is the mystery of both front and back duplexes, to me.  Whether or not
>they're perfectly tuned to the struck string, won't some other unmuted
>segment vibrate sympathetically at some time?  There should be enough energy
>going up and down the bridge to excite some nearby segment that happens to
>have a harmonic relationship, no?
>--Cy Shuster--

Yes, with the rear duplex, at least. The front is specific to the 
individual unison, while the rear is general to overall bridge movement. 
The longer the rear segment, the more likely that it will be audible. I 
find it very difficult to imagine a 30mm tuned rear duplex segment 
contributing anything but constriction to the tone of a piano, much less 
increasing power and sustain as is claimed. The tuned front duplex just 
robs energy from the speaking length and makes non-uniform intermittent 
zinging, quacking, and whistling noises for the edification of the 
listening audience.

Ron N

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