Horowitz piano

Mickey Kessler mickeykes2@uf.znet.com
Wed, 07 May 2003 06:20:19 -0700

These observations seem consistent with what Franz Mohr said in his 
autobiography (at least in the excerpts I've read).  If I remember 
correctly, he strongly disputed claims that Horowitz ever requested, or 
got, any special modifications to his piano.  In fact, Mohr gave the 
impression that Horowitz wasn't particularly demanding about the instrument 
-- though he seems to have let his stage fright spill out onto the 
technician from time to time.

This contradicts a Horowitz biography of some years ago which claimed the 
treble hammers were made hard as glass at the maestro's insistence.  Given 
that that biography also made a lot of baseless allegations against 
Horowitz (for example, that he had a very limited repertoire), I'm inclined 
to believe Mr. Mohr.

Mickey Kessler

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