To Yamaha, or Steinway... that is the question !

Richard Brekne
Wed, 07 May 2003 21:29:30 +0200

Our University is trying to decide what to do with a big wad of brand
new money they've just got their hands on, and are debating whether or
not to buy a brand new CF III or a Hamburg "C". Its to go in a small
concert hall, and a "D" is considered overkill, yet there is desire for
the full length strings a 9 footer provides.

Interesting to hear the back and forths from the point of view of the
different faculty members. We have two professors who are clearly Yamaha
fans, especially one of them is very into Yamaha pianos. The other
fellow likes them for their recording characteristics. And we have 3
professors who simply say Steinway. Steinways sound best, Steinways are
what you meet in the concert halls, Steinways are the Mercedes,
Bosendorfers the Ferrari, and Yamahas the Celica GT. 

But here's one I havent heard before,,,, but kind of rings a bell.
Yamahas are heavy to the touch, not so much out and out heavy, but you
cant get that power without wearing out your hands. 

Given Ron N's advice last time I mentioned my Yamaha C6 problem along
these lines, and the recent discussion about action compliance.... I am
simply going to have to set off time to look very closely in this
direction on that instrument, along with a C7 we have with a similiar
feel to it.

They both feel like they've a bedding problem they dont have. Might be
time to try out Johns top plates eh ??



Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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