Parts needed

Albert Sanchez
Wed, 7 May 2003 15:45:50 -0400

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Hello List members:
I am reconditioning the action of a Baldwin acrosonic spinet, serial =
number #357812.=20
      This action has 9-inch wooden stickers with a 1-1/8-inch rod =
(unthreaded)at the top  that stick up through a wooden guide rail. The =
wippens are center-pinned at the bottom of each sticker. My problem is =
that both the wooden stickers and wippens have become so brittle with =
age and/or dry climate that they are unrepairable (the jacks have come =
unglued and the stickers have split at the centerpin). Therefore I am =
trying to find replacement parts. I need: 88 sticker/wippens. The damper =
spoons are thus: 36 right-angled spoons, 30 left-angled spoons, 22 =
no-spoons.   =20

      Can anyone on this list suggest where I might find these parts?

      By the way, I have already been in contact with Baldwin. They tell =
me that they do not have these parts.

      Albert Sanchez
      Al's Piano Tuning & Repair
      (703) 933-9303

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